Product Set

House Plant
Bring a splash of color to any room with this showstopping plant! Also called the Flamingo Flower, Anthuriums love bright, indirect light. They’re incredibly adaptable plants, making them great for beginners. Please note that this plant is toxic to pets.-----------------------------STANDARD:- 6" plant in wicker pot cover $50-----DELUXE:- 6" plant in ceramic planter $65

Guzmania lingulata major
A Tropical Bromeliad will add a bright pop of color all year long! This tropical plant is a beautiful bloomer that is easy to grow indoors and extremely resilient. Choose one of our three planter types----------- 6" (medium) plant-------------------------------------------------------STANDARD:- wicker basket.--------------DELUXE:- plastic pot--------------PREMIUM:- white or black textured ceramic

Dish garden in ceramic
Lush dish garden is full of lively green plants that are artfully arranged into a handsome dish garden, making it the perfect addition to any room. Choose one of our three sizes: STANDARD:- 8", DELUXE:- 10" ,PREMIUM:- 12"... all arranged in beautiful heavy ceramic.

Assorted Plant Basket
With green and flowering plants all in one basket, our European Garden reflects a lavish garden setting, making it perfect for any occasion. Choose one of our three sizes: 8" (STD), 10" (DLX), 12" (PREM)---------WHITE WICKER BASKET- NO FLOWERING PLANT.------------------
DELUXE:- similar----------PREMIUM:- with added fresh flowers in water tube picks.(you may request colors of flowers under "special instructions" when ordering)

Codiaeum variegatum pictum
This flowering plant is full of color and can be quite low-maintenance once acclimated to its new home. Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM).

Aglaonema commutatum
Easy to care for and durable, the Chinese Evergreen plant is one of the most popular houseplants and perfect for beginners. Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM).

Chamaedorea elegans
Add some tropical vibes to your space! This parlor palm is easy-to-care for and is pet-friendly. It'll even purify your air! Choose one of our three sizes: 6" (STD), 8" (DLX), 10" (PREM).

Dracaena fragrans massangeana
A natural air cleaner, this flowering plant loves bright, but indirect light and moist soil... STANDARD:- 2 canes(3FT+) Floor Plant in wicker basket----------DELUXE:- 2 canes(3FT+) Floor Plant in white basket weave ceramic planter-----------------PREMIUM:- 3 canes Floor Plant in wicker basket

'how to order' -------means we're sold out,
choose------------------------- "designer's choice"
We restock plants every 2 weeks,however we don't get the same plants every time.If you need a particular plant that is not available today...Call the shop to place the order.If you need a gift plant within the week,choosing "designer's choice" will get you a beautiful plants in your price choice.-----------------------------------------------------STANDARD:- 6" in wicker pot cover------------- DELUXE:- 6" in ceramic planter------------------- PREMIUM:- 8" in wicker pot cover

Designer's Choice
Presented perfectly by our expert florists, a fresh plant is a perfect way to lift the spirits in any home. Let our florists choose a stunning Designer's Choice Plant today to bring the calming essence of nature indoors.

Lovely Plant
Designer's Choice
This isn’t just any plant—it’s a plant chosen by the experts! Surprise your plant-loving friends with a fresh and lively gift. You don’t need a reason to send a Designer’s Choice plant, you just need us and a good friend! Gift a beautifully fresh plant today.

Philodendron x 'Red Princess'
The Red Princess Philodendron is easy to care for, making it a great plant for beginners. This lively green vine thrives in partial shade and moderate temperatures.